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How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis HOW TO RECOVER AFTER COVID-19


COVID has been called the “plague of the 21st century.” It has already claimed the lives of a huge number of people. This is the COVID-19 coronavirus infection, a pandemic of which was declared by WHO in spring 2020. It is one of the most dangerous types of acute respiratory viral infections due to its high contagiousness, as it can be transmitted both by airborne droplets and household contacts.

The deadly virus can be caught through a handshake, and simply by touching a surface it has fell, escaping from the mucous membranes of a sick person’s nose or mouth when they cough, even when they speak. The disease is characterized by a severe course and prolonged recovery, which can be accelerated by complex therapy, especially if it includes the food supplement Endofortis, which has clinically proven efficacy.

A number of experts consider this drug to be the No. 1 remedy in the fight against the consequences of Covid. Endofortis significantly alleviates post-Covid-19 syndrome and prevents complications developed after coronavirus infection.

How to recover after Covid-19 with EndofortisPOST-COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS

Coronavirus infection COVID-19 is dangerous due to its complications. It affects not only the respiratory system, but also hits breaking points in the body including exacerbating chronic diseases of the following systems:

  • cardiovascular;
  • neurological;
  • gastrointestinal organs;
  • dermatological;
  • musculoskeletal, etc.

Common complications of COVID include:

Unreasonable fatigue up to complete loss of strength. A person, who was exposed to coronavirus infection, even if the disease was asymptomatic or mild, will need proper rehabilitation after COVID. Such follow-up medical care will prevent dangerous mental changes that can be observed in people who have had a coronavirus infection, such as insomnia, panic attacks, depression, suicidal thoughts.

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis POST-COVID -19 SYNDROME

COVID-19 differs from other types of ARVI in its long and severe clinical course, after which post-Covid-19 syndrome may develop. It is indicated by the appearance, for some time after recovery, of a number of unpleasant symptoms, among which are the following:

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis atachycardia, blood pressure surges;

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis feeling of lack of air, increased fatigue;

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis muscle and joint pain;

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis hair loss, cognitive disorders, etc.

According to medical statistics, post-Covid-19 syndrome is observed in 80% of those who were exposed to the disease with symptoms appearing during the 12 weeks of recovery from COVID.

Taking Endofortis dietary food supplement will prevent the development of post-Covid-19 syndrome due to the pronounced endogenous immunomodulatory and interferonogenic activity, which provides distinct anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, neuroprotective and anticoagulant effect.

Patients who have taken Endofortis report a marked improvement in their general physical and mental condition, with significant improvement in their analyses.

The clinical researches of Endofortis


Recovery from COVID should be comprehensive and carried out under the supervision of a physician. Only in this case it is possible to exclude delayed consequences of the infection, which can seriously deteriorate health up to disability and death.

Follow-up medical care after COVID includes:

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis balanced diet;

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis moderate physical activity;

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis physiotherapeutic procedures;

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis taking vitamins, hepatoprotectors and supplements.

According to the results of a clinical study, the dietary supplement Endofortis, a plant inducer of IL-12 and IFN-gamma, which gently stimulates body’s own immunity and relieves inflammation in the body at the cellular level, has proven itself to be excellent in follow-up medical care after COVID-19.


Comprehensive rehabilitation after COVID guarantees improved health and mood because the level of oxygen in the blood is normalized, the condition of skin and hair is improved, the lost sense of smell and vital activity is returned.

Recovery from COVID, which includes regular use of Endofortis, is easy and quick. You will regain your former ability to work and your psycho-emotional state will normalize.

The clinical researches of Endofortis
The clinical researches of Endofortis


Endofortis is a unique combination of natural ingredients, each having proven properties.

Read more about the composition of the dietary supplement.

COVID-19 is not a verdict even for older people, provided that they are treated promptly and adequately and comprehensively, this will allow them to fully restore their health and return to their previous lifestyle.

How to recover after Covid-19 with Endofortis«The results of a clinical study of the Endofortis dietary supplement and independent scientific studies of the properties of ingredients confirm its effectiveness in treating viral diseases and post-Covid-19 syndrome»

Lysenko Marina Nikolaevna
Cardiologist at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, therapist of the highest category with work experience.